
Corporate Governance

TOPInvestor RelationsCorporate Governance

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  • CorporateGovernance
  • management
  • disclosure policy

Basic Concept

We consider that for the purpose of providing superior quality and more useful pharmaceutical products and medical equipment to society, it is important to aim to enhance legality, transparency and objectivity of the Company’s management, to heighten our corporate value further, and at the same time to build a system to ensure protection of the interests of shareholders.
For this purpose, we are putting efforts to secure implementation and operation of effective internal control systems required, to evaluate the effectiveness of such systems on our own, and to fulfill social responsibilities as a corporation.
For the purpose of compliance, we recognize that it is important to adhere to laws and regulations, global standards, and various industrial standards, and also to foster a corporate culture that stimulates a high sense of probity in the course of day-to-day corporate activities.

Corporate Governance System

We as a company with corporate auditors has established the board of directors including outside directors, the board of corporate auditors consisting of outside corporate auditors, and accounting auditors.
In addition to these organs, we have established advisory committee for nomination, compensation,etc., sustainability advisory committee, management committee, management control committee, internal audit department, internal control committee, compliance committee, sustainability committee, safety and health committee, environmental committee, donation screening committee and risk management promotion meeting. Also, as a business execution system, we have introduced the corporate officer system; and we have been promoting separation of the management and business execution functions.

Corporate Governance Report