TOP>Sustainability>Society(Initiatives for the Workplace Environment)
We are working to create ideal workplace environments and promote human resources development to allow all members of “Team JCR” to reach their full potential, while engaging in a wide range of activities for society.
As noted in its newly formulated Midterm Business Plan, “Reach Beyond, Together,” JCR aims to continue investments in human capital and to establish a human resources strategy that will help to improve corporate value. It will work to construct a dynamic human resource portfolio that will help to accomplish the strategy, develop and organize permeation of diversity and inclusion, and activate individuals and organizations promote improvements to engagement. JCR will also advance efforts toward individual and organizational growth by creating a workplace environment in which our richly diverse employees can shine, and strengthening hiring and development of next-generation leaders in anticipation of full-scale global business expansion.
Key Efforts Aimed at Personal and Organizational Growth
Construction of a dynamic human resource portfolio that will help to accomplish the strategy |
Development and organizational permeation of diversity and inclusion |
Activation of individuals and organizations promotion of improvements to engagement |
JCR sees developing and securing personnel who might contribute to enhancing its corporate value as central to its efforts to invest in human capital that will aid in advancing its business plans. Going forward, JCR will strive to expand and enhance programs that will contribute to promoting human capital management, including development of a human resources portfolio.
To remain a group that is attractive to a diverse workforce and to retain talent, we value the ability to share our core values with others regardless of nationality, gender, or age. To secure those human resources, we are working to strengthen not only recruitment of new graduates, but also mid-career hires with diverse skills and attributes who can make immediate contributions. In FY2022, we spent approximately 41 million yen on this effort. We will continue this proactive investment in hiring in FY2023 and beyond with a focus on securing human resources with an even greater degree of specialization and diverse human resources. Our goal is to enhance our human resources portfolio with people better able to contribute to advancing our global strategy.
JCR focuses on employee training from the viewpoint that employee growth leads to the development of the Company itself. In addition to holding regular training for new hires and for employees at each level of the organization, we also offer English-language training and beginning in FY2020, we have incorporated voluntary training in which employees can express their own interest in participating and e-learning to support employee efforts at self-improvement and growth. We also take into consideration the needs of our employees and the ease with which they can participate in these training programs, whether in the form of group training with outside instructors or participation in open lectures held outside the Company. English-language training is also offered with a variety of content and formats, including group lessons, web-based training and others.
JCR Academy was launched in FY2022 as a training initiative to develop next-generation global leaders and nurture the skills that will enable them to thrive on a global stage. The goal is for participants to acquire the soft skills required to thrive as global leaders, including communication skills, project management skills, and leadership skills, through a practical program.
Based on a firm belief that “Team JCR” is the source of JCR’s value, we mutually respect different attributes such as gender, age, nationality, and disability, and believe it is important to maximize the individual abilities of richly diverse employees. For this reason, we promote diversity and inclusion.
In October 2018, JCR was recognized in the Third Annual Hyogo Women’s Active Participation Awards by Hyogo Prefecture for its efforts to expand career opportunities for women, raise the ratio of female employees in managerial positions (from 5.8% in FY2012 to 12.5% in FY2022), establish in-house daycare facilities, and encourage the participation of male employees in parenting activities.
In January 2019, we received Eruboshi certification (Grade 2) from the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare for excellence in promoting the active participation of women in the workplace based on the Act on Promotion of Women’s Participation and Advancement in the Workplace. In FY2021, we were evaluated for creating a workplace environment that balances childcare and work based on a policy of eliminating distinctions between men and women, and received the Hyogo Work-Life Balance Company Award.
Going forward, we will continue to conduct hiring and promotions free of gender bias, so that we can remain a company that enables women to continue working without interrupting their careers for significant life events or other reasons.
JCR aims to promote and normalize diversity, and to create an environment in which those with disabilities can work comfortably. It assigns counselors and uses in-person interviews to check individual wellness and motivation and to exchange information on work styles. The legally required rate of employment of persons with disabilities was met in FY2021, at 2.3%, but with an increase in the total number of employees, in FY2022 that rate was 2.0%.
Going forward, we aim to become a company in which diverse human resources can play an active role, both by continuously creating employment from the perspective of work sharing, and by establishing a system to ensure ongoing follow-up.
In the belief that both work and private life are important to our employees, we have introduced flexible work systems, some unique to JCR. These include introduction of flextime and telecommuting systems, allowing employees to take annual paid leave in hourly increments, and others. Since 2020, we have been working to enhance this initiative, including gradually expanding eligibility for the flextime system to each plant in the Production Division.
Beginning in 2019, we also began trial introduction of a paid leave accumulation system*, unique to JCR. This system can be used by employees whenever they need to provide childcare or nursing care to family members, or when they need to see a doctor regularly for the treatment or screening of personal injury, illness, or chronic disease, among other situations. From 2021, the scope of eligibility for nursing care, which had previously been limited to parents, has been expanded to family members. JCR aims to introduce a variety of systems to provide a workplace environment in which employees can work comfortably.
* The unused portion of paid leave may be carried over to the following fiscal year. However, under the provisions of the Labor Standards Act, any unused paid leave expires two years after it is granted. The new system allows employees to save and use up to 40 days of their expired paid leave.
We have provided an in-house childcare center at the Research Institute for employees who are raising children. In addition, we provide monthly childcare subsidies to support employees who are unable to use the in-house childcare center due to their work location. In recognition of these and other efforts, we received the Kurumin certification from the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare in September 2022. JCR has now been certified for two consecutive fiscal periods since 2018.
In addition, as a system for shortened working hours for childcare, JCR provides for shortening working hours by up to two hours per day until the child reaches the end of the second grade of elementary school.
As a social issue, childcare leave taken by males has not yet fully become entrenched in society. Even at JCR, the childcare leave acquisition rate among males (17% in FY2020) was lower than the childcare leave acquisition rate among females (100% in FY2020). We believe that fostering workplace understanding and instilling awareness among male employees are essential to improving the childcare leave acquisition rate among males. Based on this belief, the Child-Raising Support Café (37 voluntary participants in FY2020) and Ikuboss training (14 participants in FY2021 and 28 in FY2022) (Ikuboss: a boss supportive of child-raising) were held as in-house seminars. At the seminar, an outside lecturer spoke about the benefits of childcare for males, and male employees and managers who have taken childcare leave in the past shared their experiences to promote understanding and cooperation for male employees to take childcare leave. Furthermore, staff from human resources departments explained various programs that enable male employees to actively acquire childcare leave, and published interviews in the in-house newsletter with those who have taken childcare leave. With these and other steps, JCR is working to foster awareness of the acquisition of childcare leave by males within the Company. Through these measures, the childcare leave acquisition rate among males has increased every year, reaching 67% in FY2022. Going forward, we will continue working to improve the childcare leave acquisition rate.
To ensure proper communication between the Human Resource Planning Department and each department, regular discussions are held to align the Company’s approach to future human resource needs before formulating a personnel plan. This effort to build a human resource management framework for people who can excel globally is centered on a newly formulated the image of who we want our people to become, and our desired corporate climate.
To study the current status of the above initiatives, in FY2023 we conducted an engagement survey of all employees to measure employee satisfaction levels. We also conducted a human resource trend analysis (competency measurement). We were able to obtain responses from about 90% of employees, and the results of our analysis of the survey were used in formulating our image of who we want our people to become and our desired corporate climate. Going forward, we will use the information in considering new human resource systems, and will also begin considering a system for measuring engagement on an ongoing basis.
In addition, with the aim of accumulating and visualizing human resources information as human capital, we introduced SAP SuccessFactors, a talent management system, in parallel with the deployment and building of the Company’s core SAP S/4 HANA system. The system, a standardized solution for human resource management, not only allows for the centralized management of human resource data, but will enable us to analyze and utilize data to achieve talent management in line with our image of who we want our people to become. Examples of these initiatives include management of employee goals and evaluations, and use of a Career Vision Sheet. The Career Vision Sheet is a system unique to JCR, and is used to obtain information from employees once a year regarding the jobs they desire going forward and their career goals several years into the future. This allows us to understand each employee’s vision for their own career, and consider appropriate assignments, transfers, and employee career development in light of future business operations. It also functions as a tool for communication between the Company and its employees.
As an initiative to create an ideal workplace environment that protects the safety and health of employees and allows them to work with peace of mind, we are encouraging the use of annual paid leave. We also provide group administration of influenza vaccinations and support employees aged 35 years and over who wish to receive a comprehensive health check. To improve the workplace environment, we hold a monthly Safety and Health Committee meeting on a Company-wide basis. Whenever improvements are necessary, the committee members discuss what steps JCR should take. We also have appointed two corporate physicians, one of whom provides mental healthcare as a designated mental healthcare physician. Furthermore, inside the Research Institute, we have created a space called “JCR Oasis,” where employees can get a massage and refresh themselves during work.
Initiatives for Hiring Those with Disabilities
Hiring and Creating Places for Those with Disabilities to Excel
With the aim of promoting and normalizing diversity, in addition to its existing recruitment activities JCR has undertaken a wide-ranging review of work for individuals with disabilities. Since 2021, we have worked to create a system that would allow for stable operations even during the COVID-19 pandemic, while also introducing diverse work styles, including a hybrid of teleworking and office-based work for employment of those with disabilities. Through this system, we also worked to expand employment of those with mental disabilities. To create a more comfortable working environment, we have also assigned counselors who conduct one-on-one interviews to check on employee wellness and motivation, and to discuss how they work. The legally required rate of employment of persons with disabilities was met in FY2021, at 2.3%, but with an increase in the total number of employees, in FY2022 that rate was 2.0%.
Going forward, we will look from the perspective of work sharing to create a base for employment of those with disabilities, continue to expand eligible occupations, and strive to ensure each person can make full use of their abilities in their areas of strength. In addition, we will put in place a system for continually following up with those with disabilities, with the goal of being a company in which diverse human resources can excel.
Support System for Employees with Disabilities
The Act for Eliminating Discrimination against Persons with Disabilities, enacted in 2016, requires businesses to make “reasonable accommodations” to remove as many barriers as possible in the lives of people with disabilities. At JCR, we are working to improve and maintain the working environment to enable employees with disabilities to lead stable professional lives in accordance with the characteristics of their particular disabilities. This includes, in the hybrid work teams mentioned above, direct individual support, including cooperation with specialized welfare agencies, as well as assigning counselors to conduct regular one-on-one employee interviews.